Product stage: Prototype
Investment Goal: 28 Millions de FCFA
about 50 000 USD
% Share in exchange: 20%
We are selling 1000 coupons at 28 000 000 FCFA for 20% equity :
- Cost of 1 coupon = 28 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 0.02% of share

Contact Information
- CEO/Co-founder: NJAIYO SAKWE
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sakwe-njaiyo-9472061b/
- Country: Cameroon
- Address: Makepe
- City: Douala
- Industry: IT Technology
- Phone number: 00237 675 7861 74
- Website: https://www.rata-grab.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ratagrab/
- Email:
Company Basics
- Company name: RATA-GRAB
- Company type: Retail technologies(fast-food delivery)
- Creation date: 2017
- Number of shareholders: 1
- Product & service stage: Prototype

- Do your company's products or services address a social and/or environmental problem: Yes
- Does the management team have previous experience addressing these social and/or environmental problems: Yes
- Do women own (>50%) or manage the company? No

Market Opportunity
What is the customer problem the product is solving: We want to improve the effectiveness of the working man and woman in our economy by limiting the amont of time used in getting food during lunch hours and also to deliver healthy food to our customers.
We also want to grow the food sector in our community by providing restaurants the necessary technical and logistics tools for them to scale and be able to compete in the market.
We believe with the growing power of the middle class and the growing use of the Internet, E-commence and the use of mobile devices,we can build platforms to improve how and when food is being served
Size of the potential market of customers: More than 7 million target customers in Cameroon.
Minimum wage : $58/day and 43% ($24.94 is spent on food daily
Total addressable market : $186,559,181 million
Segmented obtainable market is 20% = $37,322,836.2 million
List of current or potential customers: We currently have more than 100 unique restaurants partnering with us and are ready to go public with the new version of our platform.
What is your solution: We have built an online platform that enables busy but hungry individuals to order their food directly from their mobile devices and laptops.
Not only this, we also make sure the food is delivered just in time. In Cameroon, restaurants and other food outlets provide solutions from : Allowing customers to pre-order their food before it can be delivered to them, Placing orders via phone call and having to to pick it up themselves. Customers prefer to eat in their homes because they can pay as much as 70% cost the food for delivery charges.
What is your Business Model: Our revenue model is structured into three.
We offer potential partner restaurants Commissions based payments on orders. Restaurants pay a 20% commission per transaction which is paid at the end of every transaction.
Subscription based payments. Restaurant pay a monthly fee of $19.8 monthly which is independent on the number of transactions processed. This model is subject to modifications in the later stages of our partnership with restaurants.
Premium advertising for restaurants. Restaurants who want to rank top on or search results or what to appear on every search for a particular city pay $5 fee monthly.
List your competitors: Orderin, Otlob (Egypt), Jumia food(Nigeria)
Describe your competitive advantage and barriers to entry: Otlob and Orderin are among our main competitors.
We provide an online platform allowing hungry individuals order food directly on their mobile devices.
We also provide on demand delivery for takeout ordered using map APIs.
We sign long term partnership agreements with our partner restaurants.
We do not outsource our delivery to a third party ie we operate our own logistics mechanisms using google's geolocation API.
We also provide backend access for restaurants to monitor order history for their menu.
When do you reach the Breakeven point: At this current state, Rata-grab will breakeven when we reach 243 orders monthly.
Describe your exit strategy:

Financial Projections
Year 1
- Revenue: Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: Millions FCFA
- Net: Millions FCFA
Year 2
- Revenue: Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: Millions FCFA
- Net: Millions FCFA
Year 3
- Revenue: Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: Millions FCFA
- Net: Millions FCFA
Financial Data

- Amount of capital seeking: 28 000 000 FCFA (42 621 EUR | 50 000 USD)
- Previous capital raised: 1 500 000 FCFA ( 2 283 EUR | 2 672 USD)
- Monthly burn rate: 250 000 FCFA (382 EUR | 446 USD)
- Current year revenue: 50 000 FCFA (76 EUR | 89 USD)

I am Njaiyo Sakwe, 23 year old from the SouthWest Region of Cameroon.
I am Software developer with 5 year experience. I am a graduate from the Aptech Institute of Technology Bangalore,India.
I am founder at Ratagrab, co-founder/CTO Maibeta.com and also worked as software developer for Kerawa.com, Njorku.com, efarm.cm.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sakwe-njaiyo-9472061b/
Phone: 00237 675 7861 74

- Management Team

Crowdlending Campaign
Investment Goal: 28 Millions de FCFA
about 50 000 USD
% Share in exchange: 20%
We are selling 1000 coupons at 28 000 000 FCFA for 20% equity :
- Cost of 1 coupon = 28 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 0.02% of share
Why support us and invest in our company ?

As a student in Bangalore India, fast food was the easiest thing to order online due to the presence of services like Foodpanda, Swiggy, Zomato and others. Back in Cameroon as a young software developer, I had to walk under the sun to get food and sometimes I wouldn’t find my prefered dish (Eru).
Finding the best restaurant was difficult not to talk of finding a restaurant that will deliver food to my office or room.
This being the case daily and a common problem, I decided to use the skills ( Software engineering ) I acquired to think of how I could provide a lasting solution and at the same time earn a living. My excitement comes from the fact that I am building a product that will be used by individuals to improve their lived in a way that satisfies them.
Above all I see Rata-grab as a product that gives time to professionals who have money to spend but have limited time to spend it.
Next Steps...
If you are convinced, do not hesitate to become a LION, by investing and purchasing coupons (1 coupon = 28 000 FCFA for 0.02% equity) of the company RATAGRAB.
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, NJAIYO SAKWE, a notary and you.
You do not live in Cameroon? No problem !
You can sign a mandate (we can send you a template) and give instructions to our notary, then participate remotely to the signing of the contract with your investment deposit. The notary will contact you and explain you everything, even via WhatsApp.
Why are you still waiting ?
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, NJAIYO SAKWE, a notary and you.