Product stage : Idea or Concept
Investment Goal : 15 Millions FCFA
about. 22 900 EURO
% Share in exchange : 100%
We are selling 100 coupons at 150 000 FCFA for 100% of share in exchange:
- Cost of 1 coupon = 150 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 1% of share
- Minimum investment = 10 000 FCFA = 0.067% of share
Executive Summary

The purpose of the ABAH Concept is to provide populations, modern printing services and digital laser engraving, the supply of which is very low and rarely satisfactory, while there is a high demand in neighborhoods and cities from the country.

- CEO/founder : ABAH AMANA Mathieu
- Linkedin :
- Country : Cameroon
- Addresse : Ekounou
- City : Yaoundé
- Industry : Printing and digital engraving
- Phone : 00237 695000218
- Website :
- Facebook :
- Email : aabahamana@yahoo.com
Company Basics
- Company name : ABAH Concept
- Company type :
- Creation date :
- Number of shareholders (on 31.05.2018) :
- Product & service stage: Idea or Concept

- Do your company's products or services address a social and/or environmental problem: Yes
- Does the management team have previous experience addressing these social and/or environmental problems: Yes
- Do women own (>50%) or manage the company? No

Market Opportunity
What is the customer problem the product is solving ? The offer in printing and digital engraving in Cameroon is weak and unsatisfactory:
- delivery time not respected,
- low quality of services,
- reassure customers about the quality of the products.
- On the other hand, the demand is exponential: a demographic boom in neighborhoods and cities, the number of sole proprietorships, small businesses and informal businesses, are constantly increasing.
The printing and digital engraving market is fairly well regulated in the BtoB: SMEs, large companies and printing companies are already familiar with each other and therefore know their needs and expectations. On the other hand, in the field of BtoC (printing and private customers), the market is open and little explored.
Size of potential customer market: Taking 25% of the population, we therefore estimate that the market size would be at least 6,250,000.
List of current or potential customers: The target market represents the Cameroonian population between 25 and 45 years old, executive, who spend an average of 50,000 FCFA per month by order between 18 and 24, student or job seeker.
According to the World Bank, approx. 50% of the population is between 15 and 64 years old.
What is your solution? Providing quality printing services, quality digital engraving and computer graphics, in which I already excel.
What is your Business Model? Open a workshop not far from a famous bottled intersection or a university or institute; target executives, students, entrepreneurs, start-ups and individual businesses.
List your competitors: N / A
Describe your competitive advantage and barriers to entry: I excel in printing, digital engraving and computer graphics. I took the time to study the behavior of consumers. I am rigorous and passionate.
When do you reach the break-even point (Breakeven point): N / A
Describe your exit strategy (Exit strategy): N / A
Financial Projections

Year 1
- Revenues:
- Expenditures:
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures):
Year 2
- Revenues:
- Expenditures:
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures):
Year 3
- Revenues:
- Expenditures:
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures):

Financial Data
- Amount of capital seeking:15 000 000 FCFA (22 900 EUR)
- Previous capital raised:
- Monthly burn rate:
- Current year revenue:

Hello, I am ABAH AMANA Mathieu. I live in Yaoundé.
I am a young Cameroonian, 27 years old.
I am an accountant manager of training, holder of a master I in economy and management of company.
I worked as a bookkeeper in a service and sales structure for reprographic and computer equipment.
For the sake of innovating in the sector in terms of benefits and creating wealth that will return to other Cameroonians who will work with me, I decided to set up this activity.
Phone: 00237 695000218
Email: aabahamana@yahoo.com

- Management Team
- ABAH AMANA Mathieu, CEO | 100%

Crowdlending Campaign
Investment Goal : 15 Millions FCFA
about 22 900 EURO
% Share in exchange: 100%
We are selling 100 coupons at 150 000 FCFA for 100% of share in exchange:
- Cost of 1 coupon = 150 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 1% of share
- Minimum investment = 10 000 FCFA = 0.067% of share
Why Support Us And Invest In Our Company ?

I am convinced, as I said earlier, that this business will be a great investment: Supply is low and demand is exponential. Targeted B2C customers spend an average of 50,000 to 100,000 FCFA per month. With ABAH CONCEPT, we could offer a quality offer meeting the expectations of the targeted clientele: respect of deadlines, affordable prices, and quality services.
Next Steps ?
If you are convinced, do not hesitate to become a LION, by investing and purchasing coupons (1 coupon = 150 000 FCFA) of the company ABAH Concept.
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, ABAH AMANA Mathieu, a notary and you.
You do not live in Cameroon? No problem !
You can sign a mandate (we can send you a template) and give instructions to our notary, then participate remotely to the signing of the contract with your investment deposit. The notary will contact you and explain you everything, even via WhatsApp.
Why are you still waiting ?
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, ABAH AMANA Mathieu, a notary and you.