FAQsWhat is Lions’ Cage ? «Lions’ Cage» or «La Cage aux Lions» is a tv show created by ZESAA & GLAM, dedicated to entrepreneurship in Africa. Entrepreneurs and project promoters pitch their ideas to ensure visibility and funding of their projects. The public votes for his favorite project and the winner takes home the jackpot of 2 000 000 FCFA and one year support. How to participate in Lions’ Cage ? The pre-selection of candidates is done online. The organizers can also choose entrepreneurs or project promoters. To participate in the online preselection, you must download and send the application file. Submission of applications for Season 1 is over. The application period for Season 2 will be open shortly after the broadcast of Season 1, scheduled on Equinoxe TV on May 25, 2018. What are the preselection criteria? The final selection for the TV show will take into account several parameters among which the originality of the idea and the strength of the business plan. Only the selected candidates will be contacted. Who are the producers of Lions’Cage ? Executive producers: Producer: Primary partners: Advertising enquiery Public Relations & Events The shooting of the show took place in September 2017 in Douala, Akwa. It was a private shooting that required an invitation to participate or watch. Management of public relations was ensured by Le Petit Event. Broadcast The broadcast date is: every Friday evening at 9pm on Equinoxe TV since 25th of May 2018, until August 31, 2018. Do not miss every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm and 11:30 pm, reruns of the previous episode. FRANCE – EUROPEAvailable on: “le bouquet africain”
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Contact For any additional information, suggestion or commercial proposal, please contact us at: contact@zesaa.com Social Media Thank you for using the hashtag #LionsCage or #CageAuxLions to share information, especially on social media. Application Application for Season 1 are closed now. Application for Season 2 will open in the future, after the airing of Season 1. |