Product Name : Solar Kit Cooking
Product stage : Prototype
Investment Goal : 50 Million FCFA
about 76 335 €
% Share in exchange : 17%
We are selling 20 coupons at 50 000 000 FCFA for 17% de parts in exchange:
- Cost of 1 coupon = 2 500 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 0.86% of share
Executive Summary

SOLARLIFE is a project that started in January 2017.
Every year, more than 600,000 Africans die because of air pollution due to the use of wood or charcoal for cooking.
Faced with this, the Cameroonian start-up SOLARLIFE has decided to democratize solar fireplaces, clean cooking equipment to protect the health of users but also the environment.
Our goal is to facilitate access to energy, improve the living conditions of the Cameroonian population, protect health and the environment.

- CEO/Co-founder : Sylvain EOCK
- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvain-eock-934957a1
- Country : Cameroon
- Adress : BP 14205 Yaoundé
- City : Yaoundé
- Industry : Energies renouvelables
- Phone : 00237 655272545
- Website :
- Facebook :
- Email :
Company Basics
- Company name : SOLARLIFE SARL
- Company type : SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limité)
- Creation date : Février 2018
- Number of shareholders (31.05.2018) : 02
- Product & service stage : Prototype

- Do your company's products or services address a social and/or environmental problem: Yes
- Does the management team have previous experience addressing these social and/or environmental problems: Yes
- Do women own (>50%) or manage the company? No

Market Opportunity
Size of the potential market of customers : In Cameroon, four out of five households (around 20 million people) cook with wood or charcoal on poor cooking equipment. The production of coal is estimated at 375,000 tons each year to estimate 17 billion CFA francs and 90% of this coal is used in Douala and Yaoundé. Our target market is at first Yaoundé and Douala and then all over Cameroon.
What is the customer problem the product is solving ?Each year, more than 600,000 Africans die, that is to say 11,200 Cameroonians (WHO sources) because of the pollution of the air due to the use of wood or coal to cook. Faced with this finding, SOLARLIFE has decided to democratize solar powered ovens, clean cooking equipment to protect the health of users, the environment and also make real savings (a bag of coal lasts 03 to 06 months more compared to an open hearth)
List of current or potential customers : Household Organizations Humanitarian Restaurant and microfinance institution.
What is your solution ? A cooker with solar energy that allows access to solar electricity light and recharge a phone.
Unit selling price ? 100 000 Fcfa payable in several monthly installments through recognized groups of associations and Micro Finance Institutions.
User benefits : The use of the solar cooking kit will allow them to :
- Have access to solar electricity light and recharge mobile phones
- Reduce by 70% the consumption of firewood, charcoal and cooking 24 hours a day
- To reduce the health risks associated with the inhalation of smoke from wood combustion
- Reduce the need for labor to pick up firewood
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 100%, including C02 and black carbon
- To make real savings a bag of hard coal 03 to 06 months more compared to an open hearth
What is your Business Model ? SOLARLIFE provides direct distribution via associations or groups of women partners or through its network of authorized resellers trained and accompanied by the social enterprise. Payment facilities are offered at all levels of the distribution chain (resellers and end customers) to facilitate access to the solar cooking kit that allows cooking 24/24 and also to have access to electricity. Promotional campaigns are organized to raise awareness of the advantages of the solar cooking kit (economically, environmentally and healthily) compared to traditional equipment.
List your competitors :
Competitive Positioning (Describe your competitive advantage and barriers to entry) : SOLARLIFE is a pioneer in the distribution of clean cooking equipment of high quality (zero CO2 emissions) and wants to become a leader in Cameroon in the very short term.
When do you reach the Breakeven point: At the end of the 1st year (after successfully raised the capital sought).
Describe your exit strategy: The exit strategy for an investor is during the new fundraiser.
Project progress
- Year 2017
Solar Cooking Kits were acquired as samples to:
- Present the product physically to potential buyers
- Do tests of uses within households.
- Make sales, to measure the reception of the product on the market.
Positive feedback from users, pushes us to seek funding to launch the commercialization of the product on a large scale in the Cameroonian market - Year 2018
We created Solarlife Sarl and took steps with humanitarian organizations (pre-order for 2000 KITS in progress)

Financial Projections
Year 1
- Revenues: 450 Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: 341 Millions FCFA
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures): 108 Millions FCFA
Year 2
- Revenues: 562 Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: 423 Millions FCFA
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures): 138 Millions FCFA
Year 3
- Revenues: 646 Millions FCFA
- Expenditures: 485 Millions FCFA
- Net (Revenues/Expenditures): 161 Millions FCFA
Financial Data

- Amount of capital seeking : 50 000 000 FCFA (76 335 EUR)
- Previous capital raised : 6 000 000 FCFA en Septembre 2017
- Monthly burn rate : 24 585 094 FCFA/mois (Année 1)
- Current year revenue :

Hello, I'm Sylvain EOCK. I live in Yaoundé, where are also the offices of my company Solarlife, of which I am the CEO and founder with 90% of the shares.
Mr EOCK MBARGA Emile Sylvain graduated in Business Administration at the University of Yaounde II Cameroon. It justifies training in photovoltaic solar systems and clean cooking techniques.
He has nearly 10 years of experience as an Expert - Consultant in solar energy and has in the past represented several companies in the field, in Central Africa and Cameroon.
Former Marketing Director of the multinational Novaday Congo Brazaville specialized in LED lighting (Pointe Noire).
His knowledge of the market and the environment of renewable energies and solar guarantees an enlightened leadership in SOLARLIFE.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvain-eock-934957a1
Phone: + 237 655 27 25 45

- Management Team
- Sylvain EOK, 90%
- André Douglas DJOMGOUE, 10%
- Consultants
- Fabrice FANGWA (Financial Expert)

Crowdlending Campaign
Investment Goal : 50 Millions FCFA
about 76 335 €
% Share in exchange: 17%
We are selling 20 coupons at 50 000 000 FCFA for 17% de parts in exchange:
- Cost of 1 coupon = 2 500 000 FCFA
- Value of 1 coupon = 0.86% of share
Why Support Us And Invest In Our Company ?

It is more than a financial investment, it is an experience within the shareholding of a Cameroonian company, young and dynamic.
Investing in Solarlife will in the medium term set up an assembly plant for ecological cooking kits in Cameroon.
Next Steps ?
If you are convinced, do not hesitate to become a LION, by investing and purchasing coupons (1 coupon = 2 500 000 FCFA) of the company SOLARLIFE.
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, Sylvain EOCK, a notary and you.
You do not live in Cameroon? No problem !
You can sign a mandate (we can send you a template) and give instructions to our notary, then participate remotely to the signing of the contract with your investment deposit. The notary will contact you and explain you everything, even via WhatsApp.
Why are you still waiting ?
Contact us at contact@zesaa.com and we will arrange an appointment between the promoter, Sylvain EOCK, a notary and you.